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Choice of color temperature


How to choose the color temperature in different intervals

Differentiated by function: white light is more realistic in color, and the contrast of illumination is larger. It tends to the sunlight and the color temperature is colder, so it is suitable for work-type lighting. The ambient light source is brighter and clearer, which can boost the spirit. Because of the color temperature, yellow light has a visually warm feeling, and the contrast of the lighting is small, which is suitable for shaping the relationship and atmosphere.

Divided by space: The color of the light is divided by the color temperature.The commonly used color temperature ranges from 3000K to 6000K, that is, from yellow to blue.The kitchen, work area, desk lamp, and dresser can use a light source with a higher color temperature, and the color temperature is low. The light source is suitable for bedrooms, restaurants, and areas that require indirect lighting, which helps create an atmosphere.

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